You’ve reached the moment where you want to invest in a designer handbag. Congrats! A well-chosen luxury handbag is truly one of the best investment pieces you can buy. It will see you through a lifetime of wardrobe crises, serve as a trusty travel companion, and even become a valuable heirloom after you’re gone. So where do you start in the bag-buying process, and what kind of bag is really worth the investment? It is, of course, crucial you choose a style you love, but there are several other factors to consider before making the big purchase. For example, will the brand hold its value? What color should you choose? What silhouette will never go out of style?
Investing in what we like to call the holy trinity of luxury handbags—Chanel, Louis Vuitton, and Hermès—is a no-brainer when looking at the resale value. The fashion crowd has also put designers like Chloé, Céline, Gucci, and Loewe on the It-bag fashion map with styles that have become classics in their own right.
If you're ready to dip into the world of designer handbags, scroll below to see our curated list of power purses that are timeless, desirable, and make for some incredibly elusive arm candy.
This post was published at an earlier date and has since been updated.
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